I have a couple of quick updates to share here, pertaining to my AS132383 network and Hurricane Electric‘s IPv6 certification.
Updates to AS132383
First is related to my AS132383 which I use to announce a few IPs. I now have a website and Looking Glass for AS132383! You can check it out at as132383.net. There is also a Looking Glass at lg.as132383.net. I used Hugo for the static website and this Github project to setup my looking glass. The website is linked on the top of my blog as well.
I also have setup Reverse DNS for the following subnets, with the help of AllKnowingDNS and some Ansible scripts to manage everything. I have had some geolocation issues so hopefully this plus submitting corrections to geolocation databases should help.
2a0a:b707:1111::/64 - %DIGITS%-dus-containers.ipv6-reverse.varunpriolkar.com
2401:f9c0:1111:10::/64 - %DIGITS%-goi-homeproduction.ipv6-reverse.varunpriolkar.com
2401:f9c0:1111:50::/48 - %DIGITS%-goi-homemanagement.ipv6-reverse.varunpriolkar.com
So a query for the reverse would look like this.
[arhue@hp-laptop ~]$ dig -x 2401:f9c0:1111:10::1 +short
Most of the online IPv6 testing websites now give me a full 10/10 score. 😀

Hurricane Electric Sage certification
Hurricane Electric provides a free IPv6 certification, with various levels. If you reach the Sage level(the highest level) you will get a free t-shirt and the certification of the same. I managed to complete the Sage level certification.

The whole procedure was fun and interactive and took no more than a couple of hours to finish. There are a few presentations to help you out as well. At the end you have to give them your t-shirt size and address and they’ll mail you a free t-shirt. I got my in a few months. They send them in batches so be patient.

You can get the full pic of the t-shirt including the front/back view here.
Thanks for reading. 🙂