Completing DigitalOcean’s Hacktoberfest 2018!

By | 21st January 2019

I had the liberty to participate in Digitalocean‘s Hacktoberfest in October 2018.

How this works is that you have to submit atleast 5 pull requests(PRs) to open source projects. All it took me is a few hours of time to submit PRs to a few widely used Ansible roles. The first 50,000 to do so would receive a free Hacktoberfest t-shirts.

My contributions

I contributed with the following PRs:

As you may have noticed, most of these are related to Ansible roles. I really love Ansible and how easy it has made for DevOps/System Administrators to automate infrastructure related tasks.

Free goodies!

After that I had to send DigitalOcean my address for them to send me some free stuff. A few weeks back I had the package at my doorstep.

Here’s how I look in the t-shirt. 🙂 Sorry about the poor lighting

They also were kind to send a few laptop stickers and a cup cover.

The stickers would probably soon go on my laptop

All in all this is an awesome program to get people more involved with open source. Missed it this year? Fret not! It happens every year in the month of October so stay tuned.

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